Monday, May 19, 2008

Health Update

Hey Everyone!

I just got back from seeing the radiologist. She says that the tumor is still there but is less vascular. Since it hasn't grown or there is nothing new showing up we are going to just wait and take another look in about 3 months.

I am continuing to get stronger as I get off of the steroids and do my physical therapy. Otherwise there is really nothing new to report. I give God all of the glory. Keep me in your prayers.

Love ya'll,

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Brain Scan

Hey Everyone,

I had my brain scan done yesterday. I haven't seen the doctor yet and I won't until the 19th, but I thought the tumor looked a little better. It is still there but it may be a little smaller and more transparent looking. I was just glad to see that it doesn't look like anything new popped up.

Right now I am trying to get off of the steroids. I feel like I am in drug rehab. I get to decrease 1mg every 5 days so it is taking me 40 days to hopefully get all of the way off. I only hope I will be able to do so. I have had some good days and some equally bad days but I guess that is to be expected. Usually by evening I am totally exhausted. Just keep me in your prayers.

I will update you again on the 19th to let you know how I am doing with the steroids and what the doctor has said about the scan.

Love ya'll!

Saturday, May 3, 2008

It's Been One Year and I'm Still Here

Anyone who lives in Oklahoma knows that May 3rd, 1999 is the day an F5 tornado tore through the Oklahoma City metropotlitan area. May 3rd, 2007 is the day I got the news that I had stage 4 breast cancer. This year has been filled with so many challenges. 7 weeks of radiation complete with 2 painful shots in the stomach daily that made me violently ill. 8 months of hair flying, bone exhausting chemotherapy. 9 days of having nose plugs the size of shoe horns crammed up my nose to stop excessive bleeding. 1 week of false remission. A brain tumor. A gamma knife procedure that still hasn't brought any relief. And steroids that have puffed my body out of recogniton and made me crazy. Whew! Talk about tornado!!!

But in the midst of my body totally falling apart my soul and spirit have experienced healing that never could have been achieved otherwise. My relationship with the Lord has been strong for years, but this is the first time I can say that He truly IS my everything. This is the first time that I can honestly say that I pray without ceasing. That He is constantly in my mind and in my heart. The other day I came across the parable about how a man looked for a treausre in a field and when he found it he sold everything he had to buy that field. I get that now, because even with all of the suffering I would sell it all to get what I now have with Him.

Don't get me wrong, I still want and pray for healing, but even the motivation behind that has changed. Before I was trying to convince God that I needed to be there for my children. Recently I have found that my prayers are so I could use this wisdom to help others and I truly mean it!!! Seeing my kids grow just seem like a bonus and not a priority. I hope that doesn't sound cruel, of course I adore them, but I am just trying to point out what has happened in my heart. In the end though I have told God that I don't know what He is doing and if His plan means the death of me so be it, I trust whatever He plans, because I have experienced His life changing love. Please believe me when I say He loves you, too. He is concerned with your EVERY need. Spend time with Him, get to know Him. I know a lot about Elvis but I don't know Elvis and Elvis never knew me. Please do not let your relationship with Christ be like that. He wants to talk to you, to know the real you. And the only way you are going to get to know that real Him is to spend time in prayer and in His word. I'm not trying to be preachy, i just know what I am talking about and I so desperatley want that for everyone!

God Bless!!