Monday, March 3, 2008


After writing my letter to Paul I felt the need to express just exactly who I am angry with. I am not angry at God. I do not blame the Almighty Father, but rather the Father of Lies. God is not the author of cancer. Cancer and other diseases are a result of living in a fallen world. Yes, He is Sovereign and has allowed this into my life, but I know to the core of my being that He is good. While I don't always understand I will choose to walk by faith and not by sight. I know He uses ALL things to work according to His good purpose and that He is making me more like His Son through this painful process. Thanks for listening.


shanna said... get few people do. He has given you a precious gift in your faith! He is good! You might even say your suffering is a gift...the intimacy that you have with Him is a gift beyond measure...of greater worth than any earthly treasure...than even perfect health. I love you!

Leslie said...

It is a choice every day isn't it? Sometimes I just choose not to think about the things that have gone on and are still going on in life but you inspire me and challenge me. thank you for your honesty and being so transparent