Sunday, February 17, 2008

Remission Revoked

I see that my last blog was on Jan. 31st and that I was going to take some time off to be normal. Yeah, that plan went well. As most of you know I am no longer in remission...or rather I never really was in remission. We just thought that MF had left ,but actually he changed locations... he has moved to my brain. Deep in the left side of my brain to be exact. Many of you are asking how I could get a clean PET scan only to have a tumor show up in my brain. The first symptom that made me think that something was wrong was a pain in my right shoulder, that's all... just a dull ache in the shoulder; not something you usually associate with a brain tumor. So we moved my PET scan up early which took pictures from my eyebrows to me kneecaps. I guess I should have drawn my eyebrows on a little higher that day! Anyway, as time went on the symptoms became more sinister. I started to notice numbness in the right side of my face and increasing weakness in my right arm, so we did the MRI brain scan. We are hopefully going to find out over the next couple of days a plan of attack. In the meantime I have been working on some positives that can come out of this. For example, the next time I say or do something stupid I can conjure up my best Swarzeneggar impression and say,"I've got a tumor!" Or the next time some woman that I have never seen in my life that seems to know my name, my children's names, my social security number and what I had for breakfast 3 days ago begins talking to me, I can look her dead in the eye and say, "You know I have a brain tumor. What's your name again?" Or how about the next time I hit a speed bump at an ungodly speed and cause $500 damage to the car, I can sweetly croon "Tuuuummoooor!" You know I don't feel like making dinner tonight. Maybe I will stand in the kitchen with a my mouth hanging open and a glazed look in my eye. Maybe Rob will take pity on me and order take-out! Oh, the possibilities!


Pavis family said...

I wish we were close enough to make you meals everyday. That is the least we could do. Our family prayed for you in church today so God could take away some of the pain you have had. You are always in our thoughts. We love you very much and will be in touch soon.

shanna said...

Oh Staci...I am praying! I know God is going to continue to carry you thru! I will keep praying in the mornings for you sweet friend!

deleise said...

Staci, you don't know me but I found your blog through Shanna. I've been following your story and I just wanted you to know that I am praying for you.

Kelly A said...


You have always amazed me with your stength and grace. I wish I could say some magical words to you, but I don't know them. Just know that Taylor and I, and our whole family and all my friends I can track down, are truly lifting you up in prayer. Praying for stength and peace for you.

Natalie Witcher said...

I'll be praying for you