Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Praise Report!

Last night I got the good news. My PET scan came back clean, I am officially in remission! God is good!!!! I was totally shocked because the last CT scan I had in November showed that the tumor had shrunk very little since I had stopped radiation treatments in July, so to get the message that the tumor was totally gone was surprising. Wow, it's kinda weird to not have a tumor. I don't think I ever shared my tumor's name with you before. Its name was M_ _ _ _ _ F_ _ _ _ _. I haven't shared the name in the past for obvious reasons. I didn't name it, I would just hear this voice in my head at my radiation treatments that said," Die, M_ _ _ _ _ F_ _ _ _ _ ,die!" So that is how I found out it's name. It seemed appropriate seeing as how I am a mother and all and it was well, you know, F'ing up ,my life. But now he is gone!
Anyway, I give God the glory! I figure at worse this news means I have been bought more time, and at best it could be the beginning of a miracle. I'll take either gift because both are precious! I know that the many prayers that all of you have sent up for me have made a tremendous difference and I thank each and every one of you! I love you guys!

Below I've personalized this Psalm:

Oh Lord, I rejoice in your strength.
How great is my joy in the victories you give!
You have granted me the desire of my heart
and have not withheld the request of my lips.
You welcome me with rich blessings
and place a crown of pure gold on my head.
I asked you for life and you gave it to me-
length of days, for ever and ever.
Through the victories you gave, my glory is great;
you have bestowed on me splendor and majesty.
Surely you have granted me eternal blessings
and made me glad with the joy of your presence.
For I trust in the Lord;
through the unfailing love of the Most High
I will not be shaken.

Psalm 21:1-7


HomeSchool Mommy said...

WOW! This is awesome news!!! Amazing God, Oh Father, How great You are!!!

I've been praying with you and now I'm so excited to rejoice with you!

barb said...

What does one say to express such happiness and joy?? I'm speechless and elated. Praise God!


Shellie said...

Oooohhhhhhh Staci, I am so excited I could scream!!! Praise God!!!
I personally thank our father God for this awesome report. What joy it is for us!
I love you Staci,

Stef Swindell said...

Staci, I don't think you don't know me, but I was in Ladies of Life with you years back. I found your blog on Shanna's so thought I would read it and see how things were going for you.
I am so happy for you!!! I am amazed at God's goodness in your life right now!! Praise Him for your healing!
I am struggling alot right now with many issues and reading your blog has helped me. Thank you....

Julie said...


What great news! We have wondered about you and talked about you and prayed about you over the last 18 months since we saw you. This is so great! We sure do love you!

Julie (and Bob)

G-Man said...


Charlotte and I are so happy to hear this wonderful and miraculous news! We're happy for you and your whole family.

Carpe Diem!

Grant & Charlotte

Anonymous said...

YESSSSSSSSSSS!!! THANK YOU JESUS!!! Thank you Staci for being so amazing! I love you so much! You're.... such an awesome person Staci, I'm being selfish and I'm so glad God's granting your presence on this earth. You really do make it a better place. Know that with everything in you, ok? I love you I love you I love you I love you. Lunch soon. Promise.

shanna said...

YIPPPEEEE! God is loving you in your sickness and in your healing. Your faith in Him is precious.

robyekay said...

What wonderful news Staci! I am smiling from ear to ear. Your blog is inspirational, to say the least, and I think of you and pray for your health and your beautiful family often. You are and have always been a gift to my life and to the world. Celebrate girl...I love you!

Christi said...

We are so happy to hear the news. Praise God!!

Seth, Annelise, Elijah, & Joshua said...

Amazing!! We are rejoicing with you!!! Love your blog!

HomeSchool Mommy said...

If you get bored (I'm sure this happens so often to you) and need something to blog about (since you don't have enough amazing news), maybe you would post some of your fav vegan recipes?

If you couldn't tell, I was being sarcastic about those things, but I would LOVE to hear some of your fav dishes!!!