Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Vegan, shmeegan

Okay, it finally happened. I've turned into one of THOSE people. You know who I'm talking about. Those super cancer survivors that you only see on TV that spend all of there days drinking kale juice and doing yoga. Granted the tranfomation isn't complete. I mean how can it be for someone who has only being doing this for 14 days, 13 hours and 55 minutes? Not that I am counting.

So I am now a vegan. For those out there who don't know the difference between vegans and vegetarians, vegans eat no animal products whatsoever. That includes my beloved cheese. I have also given up sugar and white flour products. The sugar withdrawals have been fierce. Talk about cranky. But I think I am over that now and the wounds that I have inflicted on my husband and children seem to be healing up nicely.

So what do you eat you ask. Well, this morning I had a banana, blackberries, and trail mix which I washed down with some good ol' OJ. For lunch, a salad with all sorts of goodies and a bell pepper burrito on a whole flour tortilla complete with humus and salsa (but sadly no cheese). Tonight I am having some kind of grapefruit and endive salad. Suprisingly it is all yummy and so far I don't seem to be losing weight. Good to know since I weigh all of 100 pounds soaking wet. Which brings me to my next subject...dieting. I have never been on a diet in my life. I know, I know you hate me for it. I've heard it all my life, but now I know why it is such a struggle. I can honestly say that I don't remember my dreams, but lately I have had very vivid dreams about food. I wake in the morning and if I hesitate before opening my eyes I can still taste the steak and the fudge chocolate ice cream. Ahhh, divine. But then I get up and all is lost. Don't get my wrong, I don't plan to skip the cake and ice cream on my Birthday, no tofu turkey for me at Thanksgiving. I will let it slide on those special days, but all of the rest of the time I will be a strict vegan......Man, I can't wait until the Super Bowl.


shanna said...

Oh how I love you. I am proud of you. My father-in-law has colon cancer and we have BEGGED him to change his eating. Are you taking any supplements? I am P R O U D! I will pray for you sweet girl!

HomeSchool Mommy said...

WOW! How difficult! Way to go!

Forgive me for my ignorance, but what does all that food you have just rid from your diet do to you? I mean, I'm thinking estrogen in meats could obviously feed cancer...

I would love to know more!

Like Shanna, I would love to know if you're on any supplements. Juice Plus?

Staci McAuley said...

I am and always have been taking a slew of vitamins. The main reason I chose to do this is the knowledge that women in China have less breast cancers than we do, but when they move to this country their risks match American women. I'm sure estrogen in meats feeds this stuff, but my particular tumor is hormone receptor nagative which means that estrogen has nothing to do with it. Mine is totally genetic, it goes all the way back to my Great Great Grandmother. As for all of these extra juices and supplements that you can buy, I am very skeptical. My mother who has battled breast cancer in the past and is currently battling ovarian cancer has tried so many things and spent enormous amounts of money with no results. I do however, believe in the power of prayer and I would appreciate as much of that as I can get. Thanks for your questions and your prayers.

Anonymous said...

Sweet! Did I ever tell you Bryan was vegan for 2 years? Man, you'd never know it now. He scarfs down more steak than I could ever tolerate. haha! Love you Staci!