Thursday, December 13, 2007

Stupid Is Is Stupid Says

I was getting a chemo treatment today and reading one of those many cancer magazines they have lying around the office. I came across an article which discussed stupid things that people say to cancer patients. Some of the things on the list were thoughtless, others I thought were quite innocuous. For example, someone was offended when a friend had told her she was brave. I personally would take that as a compliment. No wonder you guys are afraid to say anything.

This article got me thinking about some of the stupid things people have said to me over the last couple of years. While there are several things, I have compiled a top 5 list.

Number 5- "Stage 4 isn't the last stage, death is." Gee, thanks. At least to this lady's credit she immediatley apologized. I thinks she was trying to lift my spirits by reminding me things could be worse. Just remember, nobody is feeling up and positive 100% of the time. Even people with normal problems aren't always happy so give your friendly cancer patient a break.

Number 4- "I've had the flu for the last three days. Now I know exactly how you feel." Oh you do do you? Are you really comparing having the flu for three days to 7 weeks of radiation (complete with painful shots in the stomach), 14 months of chemotherapy, having your breats amputated, 5 painful surgeries, not to mention hair loss? Tell me, when you were hugging the porcelain god were you mourning the loss of seeing your kids full grown and a sense of being cheated out of grandchildren? Puhleese!

Number 3- "There is no such thing as cancer. The Government, doctors, and pharmaceutical companies are in it together for big business." This woman actually begged me. BEGGED me, not to get treatment. She was still adamant even after I told her that several in my family had died from this "made up" disease. Where do these people come from?

Number 2- This wasn't actually something someone said, but rather a gift a lady had given me. It was a book called Jesus the Healer. This woman, who really is a sweet lady, admitted that she hadn't read it but had like the author. This book basically told me that if I had cancer that it was my own fault. Somewhere in my past I must have committed some heinous sin that I needed to repent of. Also, if I saw a doctor for treatment I completely lacked faith. I should wait on the Divine Physician to heal me. Lesson: Never give out reading material that you haven't read yourself.

And the Number 1 Stupid thing said to me was- "You have been cursed by God. You must pray that off of you and your girls." Cursed by God? Really? I would think God would save his cursings for let's say...Hitler or Jeffery Dahmer. Really? Maybe the book was right. Maybe I am a terrible person who deserves this. Or maybe, just maybe shit happens. No, the Bible even tells us that we are no longer cursed because Jesus became a curse for us when he hung on the tree.

So for all of you out there afraid that I am going to get upset for something you might say, breathe easy, I'm sure I've been told worse.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I literally laughed out loud reading this entry. You said shit. That's awesome. hahaha!