Friday, December 21, 2007

The Wheelbarrow

A friend shared a wonderful story the other day that went something like this.

At the turn of the century there was a world renown tightwalker. His latest stunt was to cross Niagra Falls on a tightrope. He crosses the falls on this wet and slippery rope with the greatest of ease even as the powerful waterfall crashes and threatens from below. When he reaches the far side, the crowd goes wild. The thightrope walker then announces that he will now cross the tightrope pushing his manager in a wheelbarrow. The crowd is nervously hushed as they watch the stuntman cross the thundering falls with his mananger in nothing but a wheelbarrow. As they reach the other side the crowd goes utterly crazy, their applause and cheers rival the sound of the falls. At that moment, the rope walker asks if there are any volunteers willing to cross in the wheelbarrow with him.

The crowd instantly goes deadly silent.

Isn't that human nature? Trusting anyone but yourself is a total challenge. I find myself being asked to trust Him over and over again. But I am finding that He is trustworthy.

I had an appointment yesterday with my oncologist and I feel extrememly encouraged. I don't know why. CT scans are kinda suggesting that the chemo may not be working. We can't know for sure because even though the scan shows something still in my chest about the size of a golfball, it is behind my breastbone and can't be reached for biopsy. We have decided to finsh up chemo at the end of January and then, well... wait. Just wait and see what happens. Will it grow and prove to be remaining tumor or will it just sit there? I don't know, but for some reason I have a peace that transcends all understanding. I am in the wheelbarrow and the water is crashing underneath me, but I know that somehow, someway, we will reach the other side.

1 comment:

Mom said...

Your blog is inspirational and full of wisdom. I'm so proud of you!!
